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Marriage armor

Finding your professional sprinkles

"For our struggle is not 

against flesh and blood."

Ephesians 6:12

Sprinkle your love life with the law of quantum attraction.

Certified Life Planning

Have you been striking out in the love department? Having little luck finding a soulmate? Perhaps it's because you're chasing, rather than being chased. Love and manifesting the perfect kind of love has everything to do with physics. More specifically, it's totally dependent upon quantum attraction. You must become the ideal soulmate before you can hope to attract the same. Join Chris for this 3 to 5 day life changing workshop along with pre-emptive coaching. Come and discover the clues which exist in your relationship track history. By exploring the past we can assemble all the ingredients to manifest a fulfilling future. Chris is a master at supercharging your internal love magnet. He's succefully postured thousands of individuals to be the energy which they wish to manifest around them. Get away from it all. Come to Colorado to rest, recharge, and reboot your love life. Call today for more details on the vacation of a lifetime. (408) 390-0835

 As a Paterson Certified Facilitator, Rachael Mott has undergone extensive training and is highly effective when it comes to guiding individuals through the life planning program. Your journey begins with a two-day exploratory process. During this time, you’ll work closely with Rachael to identify key points (what we call God’s thumbprint) on your life journey. Together, you’ll look at your life experiences, talents, passions, and personality. Rachael is a master at pulling this information into the light, and weaving it together in a way which makes sense. By the end of this transformational weekend, your life’s purpose will become crystal clear. No matter your position, everyone has a divine purpose just waiting to be unearthed. Your purpose won’t be just “made up.” It won’t be a fad which will change with the seasons. You will know why you were put on this earth and what you are being called to do. Knowing your purpose feels AMAZING. 

Once your purpose is revealed making the plan to live a purpose driven life is the easy part. Call today to find out more about discovering your purpose and developing a plan to live within it. (408) 390-0835

When you said, "I do" did you really know what you were committing to? Are you equipped to fulfill your promises? Do you have all the right tools to handle the job? In Ephesians 6:10, the bible talks about equipping yourself with the full armor of God. Why is it so important to armor up? Because the statistics are against you. As the divorce rate in America rises, there are external forces trying to undermine the strength of your marriage. Chris's revolutionary 12 week couples coaching program is like no other out there. It revolves around the power of God at its foundation and centers around individual power. Once each individual is powered up, it's easy to write your love legacy and reverse engineer all the ingredients to get there. This five day couples retreat is packed with couples coaching, individual coaching, and daily seminars which equip you to fortify and energize your marriage. Come to Colorado. Fly fish with us. Hike to a waterfall. Ski, dogsled, and create a memory of a vacation which is sure to remain with you for a lifetime. Call for more information on our Marriage Armor Retreats

 (408) 390-0835

Your success professionally has everything to do with your success personally. More specifically, your abundance professionally is directly linked to your strength and balance outside of the workplace. Are you looking to make a change professionally? Have you recently been promoted? Perhaps you're in transition and looking to rebrand your personal marketing package? Maybe you're a leader wanting to energize your core leadership team. No matter where you find yourself, Chris Mott is the master at repositioning individuals energy and underlying narratives to posture you for success. Come visit Stream Dreams to rest, relax, and reboot. Individuals and/or groups are welcome. Let's energize your leadership legacy. Let's "Mottivate" and Sprinkle your team. Let's reboot your energy so you can attract the success you're looking for in life. Call today for your tailored retreat designed to meet and exceed your specific objectives. It's time to find your professional SPRINKLES!

(408) 390-0835

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